Sunshield products are available at the following locations and by ordering directly on our site. If you are looking for a reputable contractor, please scroll down for a list of those who are familiar with our product.

Limited list of retail dealers

Alliston J&J Ytsma Home Building 4905 Dean Drive 705-435-5511
Apsley Apsley Homecare Hwy #28 705-656-4351
Bancroft Freymond Lumber 2287 Bay Lake Road 613-332-3020
Barrie Dulux 320 Bayfield St. 705-726-5396
Belleville ICI Paints 127 North Front St. 613-962-5424
Blind River Home Hardware 325 Leacock St. 705-356-1671
Bolton United Home Hardware 12833 Highway #50 South 905-857-6970
Bracebridge Northern Buildall 10 Entrance Drive 705-645-2271
Brampton Bramalea Paint 211 Advance Blvd. 905-456-8557
Coboconk Tri-county Building Hwy #35 705-454-3588
Dryden B. Taylor Home Building 509 Government St. 807-223-3381
Durham Welbeck Sawmill R.R. #2 519-369-2144
Echo Bay Echo Bay Home Building 186 Hwy #17 East 705-248-2931
Eganville Finesse Renovations Hwy #41 613-628-3186
Espanola Home Building Supply 224 Station Rd. 705-869-2130
Gravenhurst Camberlain Homecare 214 Brydon Bay Rd. 705-687-4007
Guelph Ferraro Restoration 7684 Maltby Rd., East 519-822-2324
Haliburton Haliburton Lumber 5148 County Road 21 705-457-2510
Hartington Atkinson Home Building Hwy #38 613-372-2838
Hanmer Hanmer Home Hardware 5085 Hwy #69 North 705-969-7000
Havelock Hubbel Home Hardware 22 Ottawa St., West 705-778-2153
Huntsville Home Building Centre 35 Crescent Rd. 705-789-4111
Iroquois Falls(Timmins) Iroquois Falls Home Hardware 745 Hwy #67 705-232-4029
Kingston Atkinson Home Building 731 Development 613-389-6709
Kirkland Lake A.A. Breault 1 Atkins St. 705-567-5359
Lansdowne Chris Nash Building Supply 150 Railway St. 613-659-2383
Markdale Centre Grey Builders 74 Lorne St. 519-986-2641
Midland Tripps Paint 313 King St. 705-526-7411
Miller Lake Peninsula Homecare P.O. Box 930 519-795-7729
Mississauga Fifth Avenue Interiors 4141 Dixie Rd. 905-629-4299
Moosonee Moosonee Building Supply 75 Ferguson Rd. 705-336-2620
New Liskeard Rona Cashway 245 Whitewood Ave. 705-647-6784
Newmarket Colour Town 17665 Leslie St. 905-836-0028
North Bay Trout Lake Paint 2181 Trout Lake Rd. 705-495-6075
Orillia Home Hardware 5 King St. 705-326-7371
Orleans Randall's Paints 2063 St. Joseph Blvd. 613-824-2438
Oshawa Peacock Lumber 328 Ritson Rd. 905-725-2831
Parry Sound Rona Cashway 115 Bowes St. 705-746-5894
Parry Sound Home Hardware 22 Seguin St. 705-746-2147
Peterborough Kingdon Tim'br Mart 309 Lansdowne St., East 705-749-1144
Roslin Chisholm's Ltd. R.R. #1 613-477-2920
Sault Ste. Marie Arrow Home Hardware 1133 Great Northern 705-759-8316
Scarborough Boyd's Decorating 590 Ellesmere 416-445-6529
Stittsville Bond's Decor 150 Iber Rd. 613-270-8504
Sudbury Nordic Energy Systems 2423 Long Lake Rd. 705-522-9403
South Porcupine Porcupine Pro Hardware 85 Bruce Ave. 705-235-3828
Stoney Creek Spartan Home Hardware 483 Hwy #8 905-662-7073
Toronto Exclusive Paints 3715 Chesswood Dr. 416-921-5751
Wasaga Beach Wasaga Beach Decor. 1 Market Lane., #3 705-429-1500
Woodbridge Home Hardware 7766 Martingrove 905-851-4966
Woodbridge Steeles Paint 4190 Steeles Ave., West 905-850-4040
Moncton Lawson's Inc. 194 Killam Dr. 506-857-2020
Quebec QSB St. Bernard 663 rue du Ruisseau 418-475-4405